Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Rent Your Own Private Mumble Server for Amateur Radio

I am offering rental of a very fast Mumble Server for $10 a year.  The plan includes the
creation of a Mumble server which will have Three Radio Channels and Two Chat Channels.
You can support up to 50 users connected to your server at the same time.

All of the server locations have a publicly available Mumble server for you to test before you
subscribe.   I encourage you to connect and test.   There is only tech support if your server is
completely down.   This is to keep costs very low.

This is a one-year PayPal subscription that renews automatically.

Select Mumble Server Location
DNS Format
Your Callsign for DNS

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Installing and Configuring Mumble for Amateur Radio Remote Contesting

What is Mumble?

Mumble is a free, open-source, high-performance, low-latency audio conferencing server. It’s high quality and low latency, combined with it’s ability to conference, is GREAT for single snd multi-op ham radio use.

There are Mumble clients for Windows, Mac (OSX), Ipad (IOS), Android and Linux.  Mumble users communicate on channels. A Mumble client on each end connects to a common "channel", and volia: you have audio. So, as a ham, you’ll need a client at the radio, and a client where your remote operation is taking place from.

This guide will talk about how to configure under Windows. The same concepts can be used to configure for other operating systems.

Getting Mumble...

To download Mumble, go to and select the version of Mumble appropriate for your operating system. For most, this is 64-bit Windows, and the download link is:

After you install the client, run it.

When you first start Mumble, it automatically runs a bunch of Wizards. You should cancel out of ALL of them. Why? One reason is because it will fill your server list with 1000 servers you will never use! The other is it is much waste to configure Audio until later in the process. Once you have Mumble up, go to the Server->Connect menu or press the World icon.

Click the Server->Connect menu, or click the World Icon 
Now you will see a list of servers -- which should be empty if you have done what I said above. 

This is the Connect dialog.   You probably won’t have any in your list. 
(Note the ping times to servers.  If a server is down you won’t see a ping time, and 
Will not be able to connect.) 
This document does not discuss setting up your own Mumble Server – that’s 
a task for another day. 

About Mumble Servers 

You can host a private Mumble server in your own shack.  However, that will require a publicly available IPV4 address and port forwarding.   With an external Mumble server, you can connect from any Internet topology (Cellular, NAT, Double NAT, CGNAT, ipv6 – all will work).  Additionally, if you have more than one operator connecting, their will still be only ONE connection to your radio shack internet connection (per radio). 

There are TONS of public Mumble servers, however, because we are a licensed service, you would not want to connect your rig to a public Mumble server.  Anyone could connect, and You could allow non-hams to transmit. 

For testing and experimentation purposes, I have quite a few ham radio Mumble Servers. See my post about them.  You are fee to use them as long as you need.   They are geographically diverse, so you should pick one close to you.  

 If you are interested in your own server, I’m happy to set you up with a local, private server close to you, for $10/year.  Email me at gerry[at] if interested. 

Let’s get connected to a server.   

Click the "Add New..," button in the server diaog.  You will see this:

The DNS name or IP Address goes in the Address box.   You can choose from my server list above or enter the address of a server you know.    

Port 64738 is the default Mumble port (it’s TCP).   You may have been given info for a different port on your server.  If you have, enter that. 

For the username, I typically have this convention: 

    - If on the radio side, enter “Radio”, or something descriptive, like “TS-590”.

    - For the Remote, operate side, enter the callsign, like “W1VE”

he Label is just a label.  Often, I make it the same as the DNS name. 

Click OK. 

Connecting to a Mumble Server for the first time: 

Bring up the Server dialog: (remember, click Server->Connect, or click the Globe icon) Double-click a server, or highlight one and click “Connect”. 

NOTE:  These next steps ONLY happen the first time you connect to a new server! 

You will be presented with an Accept Certificate dialog that looks like this: 


Mumble uses TLS encryption (yes, all audio is encrypted).  In order to do that, it needs certificates.  These are self-signed certificates.  

The next dialog will be: 

You will ONLY see this if you have never been in a server before, or, if the server password changes after you have successfully logged in.   For my demo servers, the password is Demo! 
Once you have entered the password, you should see the main Mumble display: 


To set up audio, once you've connected to a server, go to the Configure->Settings menu, and this Dialog will be shown: 

Working with Mumble 

Here’s a connected session:

This is me connected to the ZF9CW station, the TS-590s radio.  Since the radio audio is set up to send continuously, you note the Radio icon is Blue, because it is sending audio.   

If I talk into my Mic, my icon turns blue as well.   Mumble has “Soft” vox – you set the thresholds.   Of course, you must use Vox on your radio as well.   For CW operation, you’ll be sending over your Anydesk or TeamViewer connection  and logging software. 

Questions to gerry[at]


Public Mumble Servers for Contesting on Radiosport.Network


All servers run using the default mumble port.   All servers use the password: Demo!
If you have trouble connecting, use my blog post about Configuring Mumble for Amateur Radio use.

DNS Name                                        Location                        Notes              New York, NY              10GBe Ethernet; best for east coast USA,

SpeedTest to New York, NY (na) from New Hamshire (Cable Modem)
Check from your location: Speed Test -- New York, NY (na)           Seattle, WA                   10GBe Ethernet; best for west coast USA,
                                                                                                 western Canada, KL7, VY1  Seattle, WA                    Serving West Coast USA         Winnipeg, MB              VY1, VY0, Central Canada, Midwest US            LA, CA                         Serviing Asia, West Coast               Miami, FL                     Serving South America               Munich, Germany        low-latency 100MBps server, best for  
                                                                                                 western Europe.             London, UK                 10GBe Ethernet, serving all of Europe.
                                                                                                  reasonable ping times to USA.  Best if                                                                                                              station-side in Europe.

London, UK (eu2) Speed Test From New Hampshire (Cable Modem)
Check from your location: Speed Test - London (EU2)         Tampa, FL                     Excellent service to southern USA,               

Tampa Speed Test from New Hampshire (Cable Modem)
Check from your location: SpeedTest -- Tampa Server      Phoenix, AZ                  10GBe Service to Southwest, west coast.

Phoenix Speed Test from New Hampshire (Cable Modem)
Check from your location: SpeedTest -- Phoenix

More coming on line soon.  Stay tuned.  Question?  Drop me an email at gerry[at]

Monday, May 15, 2023

Hello and Welcome!

 Hello and welcome to, a place to learn about using the Mumble audio conferencing for use in Amateur Radio contesting.

Radiosport.Network is a domain I own, and primarily use it as DNS for users and computers doing Amateur Radio contesting.

At the moment, I host many Mumble Audio Conferencing servers, located in various geographic locations around the world, to provide low-latency audio to contest stations and remote operators.

The public servers are free to use; I you want to create your own private Mumble server, and need a DNS name, I am happy to provide Domann Name service free of charge.

If you are a contester just starting out on remote, you are welcome to try my servers.   There are no usage limits.

If you are in a part of the world where the closest server is far away, perhaps we can try to find a high-performance server located closer to your location.

Why not locate your Mumble server at your station?

There are many reasons.  Perhaps you have limited bandwidth.  Perhaps you are just using a residential internet service where bandwidth may be shared.   There's probably a good chance that you, or some of your operators do not have a good path to your station endpoint.

My Mumble servers are hosted on Virtual Private Servers, which I lease from hosting companies.   I pick VPS locations that have prime peering arrangements with the top internet backbone companies.  This pretty much guarentees a high level of performace to most locations.   To give you an example, my server is located in London, UK.    From my home QTH in New Hampshire, USA, it has a 30mS ping time.   From Germany, the server latency is 15ms.   From Bulgaria, the server is 25mS away.   As an example of performance, a group of US and German youths operated LZ5R in Bulgaria for the YOTA contest, with the ops in the US and Germany.   The audio was flawless for the entire contest.

Read my forthcoming blog posts for information on my publicly available servers and connection information.

-- Gerry W1VE

Rent Your Own Private Mumble Server for Amateur Radio

I am offering rental of a very fast Mumble Server for $10 a year.  The plan includes the creation of a Mumble server which will have Three R...